Family Picture

Family Picture

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Who will tell her Nai Nai?

One of the things Amy battles most is fear or bad thoughts at bed time.  She can really struggle to fall asleep and sometimes has nightmares.  She will tell us she hates bed time and would like to never have to go to bed.  She likes the fact that Jesus never slumbers or sleeps.
I believe we have had some spiritual warfare going on as the enemy tries to fight for her.  
She tells me sometimes that she just can't stop the bad thoughts no matter how hard she tries.  We pray with the girls every single night. Some nights I pray over them before I go to bed. 
One morning over breakfast, Amy told us she had a terrible dream about dogs chasing her.  She ran and ran but then Jesus came and let her into a room.  He locked the door.  She said he was nice and told her she was safe and that the dogs could not get her.
Thank you Lord for ministering to our little girl as she dreams.
Would you join us in praying for peace and protection from darkness..... for our Amy....especially during the night hours? 

Weeks ago Amy prayed for Jesus to come into her heart.  She joined Scott and I at the kitchen table right after she woke up.  She knows she will find us there first thing in the morning..... reading our Bibles and devotionals. She questioned us about dying, heaven and Jesus.  As much as she can understand right now, she believes he died on the cross. Her heart is very tender to spiritual issues. She prayed after me in asking Jesus to come into her heart.....with all the honesty and sincerity of a child.
We understand there is so much for her to learn but we are trusting God to continue in the good work he has begun.
One of the first things Amy wanted to make sure of was that Anna also had Jesus in her heart.
Days later her concern went to her NaiNai.  She wanted to know who would go and tell her NaiNai about Jesus because "NaiNai does not know about Him.....she does not speak English."
I stopped what I was doing and we prayed for someone to go and tell her NaiNai about Jesus.
I told her that it was possible for a Chinese person to tell her, or possibly an English person who also speaks Chinese.....could tell her.  Would you join us is praying for her NaiNai to hear the good news about Jesus from someone?  I know here in our house......we are.

This girl of mine likes to let her light shine.  For her Easter party at school , she wanted to wear her cross necklace to remind everyone about "Jesus on the cross. "

Amy at her preschool Easter party.  She walks around to all her classmates  and other mom's saying, "Here is MY MOMMA!"  Makes me feel so special as she is so PROUD to have a MOMMA!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Spring and Pollen

Because we were in China this time last year we missed the major pollen.  By the time we came home, spring had sprung and we were welcomed home to the beauty of it all minus the allergy issues.  This year, me and my girls have had the sniffles and sneezes, followed by some coughing. I was particularly worried Amy might have a difficult spring considering she has never been in Georgia pollen before. Surprisingly, Amy fared the best and recovered the fastest. Both girls are well.  As for me, I am still fighting it.  A few evenings ago, I was trying to read the girls a library book with a hoarse voice and some coughing.  Finally Amy stopped me and said she wanted to pray for me.
"Dear Jesus,  Please help my momma to feel better and stop coughing.  She is trying to read me a story.  Please help all the people who are sick and coughing to feel better and please take care of my momma.
In Jesus name.  Amen."
I stifled any more coughs so that I could finish the story, feeling better just knowing my girl is turning into quite the prayer warrior.
Needless to say, we are staying inside more than outside these days until the pollen counts get to a reasonable level.

We all put on skirts and let our toes out of shoes for the first time this season then went out to lunch and grocery shopping.  The girls love their new, matching jeweled yellow box flip flops!

We went to the library to see the rabbit society display some rabbits and tell us all about them.  Who knew there was a rabbit society????

Anna took a selfie of her new glasses

We did a cloud experiment.  Dropped some food coloring through the "cloud" to watch rain drops

Read these books, made some clouds out of coffee filters and learned a cloud song off the computer.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Gotcha days for Anna and Amy

 This time last year, we were in China adopting Amy.  So hard to believe she has been with us now for a year! Anna's gotcha day is April 7th and Amy's is April 8th.  We had ourselves two days worth of fun times and making much of our special girls and their special days.  The girls got new Barbies and Barbie clothes on Anna's day.  New scooters and an outing to ride them in the park on Amy's day.  Add one of our favorites,  freshly baked cream cheese pound cake to be eaten with a glass of chocolate milk for breakfast and then again later for dessert....... well, its been sweet at our house.

Both girls happy to have matching gifts waiting for them first thing in the morning

Oh how Amy has longed for a scooter that has "light up" wheels! 

Ready to try them out! Perfect overcast morning for scooter riding and wheels that light up!

Amy stayed way in front most of the time

Then straight to lunch at Red Lobster where this little girl put away 4 biscuits and all her popcorn shrimp, sweet tea to drink..."Thank you and more biscuits please."  Yeah, she's a southern girl!

More presents! This time after school.

They like the fancy dresses best