There is a bond growing here. Through the great days and the tough days, sisters are becoming.....sisters. Isn't that the stuff of true, respect,balancing our differences and getting along, arguing and disagreeing, happiness and sadness, giggles and tears......shared as the days go by. That would be us.....Anna and Amy. It is a beautiful thing to see and hear genuine concern for one another and true friendship budding forth.
Anna: Mom, you need to have Amy sleep in pajama pants instead of a gown. She kicks her covers off so I have to get up throughout the night and cover her back up. I am afraid she may get cold.
Amy: at a party Amy got a balloon but then went out of her way to get one for Anna. She was determined and held on tight until she found Anna to give it to her.
Anna: at a gathering of friends, the children were picking teams. Anna told the team captain to please pick Amy for their team so she could help her and so her feelings would not be hurt if she didn't understand.
Amy: While Anna was at horse camp down the street, we had some dark clouds gather as a storm was approaching. Amy started getting Will and I saying..... hurry, hurry! We have to get Anna. Thunder coming! Anna scared. Anna cry! Hurry! We went to get Anna.
Anna has taught Amy so many things and is so patient with her as there are so many new things to learn. How to ride a scooter, how to play "horses" and kicking the soccer ball to name a few.
Amy had to get more immunizations recently. She was able to pick a prize at the doctor's office then she made sure she got a prize for Anna also. Meanwhile, Anna was in the waiting room worried sick about Amy having to get shots.
I saw this quote on a blog and wanted to include it in this post:
Having a sister is like having a best friend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they'll still be there.
~Amy Li