Family Picture

Family Picture

Monday, December 30, 2013

More Christmas pictures

Cupcake banks for both girls.  Amy liked dropping coins in.

Stables and horses for both girls
Moved to room with higher ceilings and with the net on........Now the trampoline is safe!!?? It will be moved outside this spring. We needed this to expend Amy's energy!

Amy likes her glitter snowman slipper is her favorite color.
Amy's gift to us.  She made it at school and liked making her foot and hand prints.


We had a wonderful Christmas season.  Amy was an angel in her school program.  Lets just say she sang her heart out and was full of energy!  One bouncy Angel in between songs, her wings turning right and left, up and down, halo falling off a time or two...... but she did hand motions and sang while the music played! She did great, didn't miss a beat and was very expressive.... we were so proud of her. There just has to be one hyped up angel in every heavenly host! We waved and gave her two thumbs up.
  Christmas day was filled with love, laughter,  and family....celebrating Jesus born in a manger.  We are blessed.   A few days before Christmas, Amy thanked us for letting her live with us every day. She is happy with us.  So glad she had such a happy first Christmas. Good memories. Good family time.

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!"
Luke 2:13 & 14

Give this angel some room boys!

She told me she couldn't fly because she was supposed to keep her hands like she's praying!

Away in the Manger..............The Little Lord Jesus Asleep on the Hay
We were too far back in the sanctuary to get good pictures but my dad got some good video!

Stockings were filled

Trampoline for Christmas!  In the basement! They were surprised!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve Service at Church, Dollies came too

Christmas pajamas and almost time for bed

Two days before Christmas

We went to Nannie and PaPa's for our family Christmas gathering.  Was great as always.  My pictures of the gathering were mostly blurry, unfortunately.  Did get one of Anna and Amy right before we walked next door to their house.  Anna and Amy trying hard to cooperate so they could take off and run over!  We all had fantastic evening, great food and great to be together.  The girls loved their gifts from Nannie and Papa.

Christmas polka dots and glitter headbands

Anna's purple machine

Amy's Red Razor Rider 360

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas Happenings

We have been enjoying the holiday season in every way.  We love reading Christmas books in the family room with the Christmas tree and mantle all lit up. Christmas candles burning. One of Amy's favorite stories is Max Lucado's Cripple Lamb.  The recurring statement from the book seems to reverberate with her.  "God has a special place for those who feel left out".  More than once, after reading the story, Amy has told me how she felt left out when she was in China. The other sheep are unkind to the little lamb because he  has a lame leg.  Amy seems to empathize with him so much.  She has a tender little heart.

 We have watched Christmas videos and enjoy Amy's reaction as she sees the classics for the first time.  Amy and Anna look for elf on the shelf every morning....even though we are not making much of Santa and such this year as we don't want any confusion. The girls understand elf and Santa are just for fun. I had to make things clear for Amy as she kept asking me if "Santa is good or bad. "  " Mean or nice. "
" Will he hit me? " 

 Amy is learning all about baby Jesus born in a manger. Christmas is the celebration of His Birthday.  We use our Nativity to tell the story. She calls the wise men, the three "surprise men"  because they brought presents to baby Jesus.  She sings  Christmas songs she has learned....Joy to the World, O Come all Ye Faithful, Away in a Manger and Jingle Bells. She even sings her version of ex a deeeooo!  
 We often play Christmas music as we work on all kinds of crafts and baking.  Such a happy time of year as we make wonderful memories and enjoy being home together, the house so festive with decorations. We have things that smell good and light up in every room.  The girls each have their own Christmas tree in their room.  Amy has to eventually turn hers off in order to go to sleep.  She says it keeps her awake.  It is fiber optic and the colors change.  Glad she knows her limits of sensory input at bedtime.  

 It was this time last year, we saw Amy for the first time as we received her referral picture.  Amy Joy, her name being impressed upon my heart even as I had no idea of  what she might be like.  Finding out after she joined our family,  of the JOY this child  has in her spirit and the JOY she has brought to our lives.  Such a happy girl, full of life and laughter, in spite of all that her past entails.  God knew.  I am glad I listened.  He was right. Joy is the perfect middle name and I will never forget how we were matched together  with  Shi Chun Niu whom we now call, Amy Joy Chun....... just days before celebrating the Joy of Christmas.  This year, she is with us, celebrating her first Christmas and taking in the wonder of the season.  We are thankful and have hearts full of praise for all He continues to do for us on this journey.

Remember His marvelous works which He has done.  1 Chronicles 16:12

Reindeer necklaces and painted ornaments

We made Gingerbread boy and girl garland

Glitter snowflake wands.  Note JOY on my mantle

We swirled shaving cream and red glitter paint with a candy cane then our hands

More glitter crafts
Lacing crafts

Amy concentrating as she has large sewing needle for the first time!  

Christmas sugar cookies

Amy loving this

Anna and Amy helped make our Christmas snack mix

Wesley and Amy teaming up for Gingerbread houses

Anna knows how she wants hers

Presents ready.  The girls know right where theirs are in the stack.

Amy loves to get a "surprise"  thus her label of the "surprise men"? She asks me what is in the containers they carry.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Pajama Day at School

Amy still occasionally worries about going to school and being left there to "sleep" other words..... being left there to stay... indefinitely.
 Forever family is a concept that could take awhile. 
Most  Mondays and anytime after a break,  the fear creeps in and she is unsure about going to school. Once she gets there she really enjoys school. I always get near the front of the carpool line at noon when we pick her up.....we don't want her waiting or watching too long as the other children leave for home.
  Her day is short and sweet ,  9:00 to 12:00, so we are thankful for this provision as she learns and grows in understanding, is nurtured by Godly teachers,  is in a small class, participates in crafts, sings,  plays and learns with children she enjoys.
 I was worried for her concerning pajama day at school as I did not want any confusion. However her teachers did a great job of explaining to her that they were just pretending, that no one is allowed to sleep, or stay overnight at school. They  would be decorating the classroom for Christmas and then going back home in their pajamas in time for lunch! I also reassured her throughout the week before the event.  Amy loved being able to take her stuffed animal horse with her for the day plus waking up ready to go in her need to get dressed!
Progress.....Amy did not seem to be afraid on the big day and had a great time.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Decorating the Christmas Tree

What fun this year to get out all of the Christmas decorations as well as decorating the tree.  Really is special to see a seven year old join in for the first time.  Amy loves the Christmas tree and all the ornaments and the rest of decorations inside and outside the house.  Our tree can switch from white lights to colored lights so I had to lay down a few rules as Amy could not stop switching and we didn't want to burn out the new tree the first week we had it!!!!
The novelty wore off, but she is the one who turns everything on first thing in the morning.  

Amy was a blur in many of the pictures....kept running back for another ornament!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Henderson Family Gathering

We enjoyed our get together with Scott's side of the family..... with Amy and Annabelle being the newest members, we continue to grow in numbers!  Amy enjoyed getting to meet more cousins!
She will tell you, she loves her "bigga" family!  So glad everyone could come, we were only missing Blake, Scott's older brother as he is out of the country with his job.

Grandma Rachel and Grandpa Roy with all the grand children and 4 great grand children

All the children, missing Blake

Amy ready for chocolate crack cake

This was the least blurry of all my kid pics.....they stayed on the move most of the evening!