Family Picture

Family Picture

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Will's Surgery

Distal Tibial Opening Wedge Osteotomies.......yes this was a difficult road for Will and for us as his family to see him quietly suffer and be idle for so long.  We know he prefers to be out running, working out or biking daily.  He is not a complainer.  Just gets through as best as he can.

He is tough as nails though and once the most difficult days pain wise, were behind him at the hospital, he refused pain meds and then he was back to his independent self.  We all got pretty good at getting him from place to place but he eventually got to where he wanted no help if there was any possible way for him to move himself.  He got really good at transferring himself from wheelchair to chair or bed.  He has super upper body strength.  Wesley was his personal driver as I was not strong enough to lift Will or the wheelchair into the van!  Team/family effort to get through this together.  Will......your patience, grace and tenacity through difficult times....are an inspiration to all of us.

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