Anna and Amy are playing Upward soccer. We enjoy watching them practice every Tuesday evening and play their games Saturday mornings. Anna is graceful and beautiful to watch as she plays. She prefers defense, but can also score and kick/control the ball with both feet. Amy cracks us up as she is all over the place! Considering she never even heard of soccer or knew what a soccer ball was...before we signed her up... she is doing great. Occasionally though, in the middle of the game, she will cross her arms and stomp off the field to come tell me and any one else that may be listening ......."they are not taking turns"! I am actually a bit pleased by this because we are working on taking turns at home. Hard to explain to her that soccer is not really a taking turns sort of game. As long as Amy gets a few kicks in, she is alright. If she goes too long without a shot at the ball....well it is just not fair any more. We were not sure if she would be ready for all of this. We did not want her to feel left out by not getting to play but watching big sister play. Sometimes she is in the game.....sometimes she sits with me on the sidelines. That's ok.
Kindergarteners are funny to watch. They are like fish on fish food, all surrounding the ball at the same time. Amy is fast, can kick the ball with both feet, and she has great potential....... once she actually understands the game! For now, we know she loves her pink soccer ball, her special water bottle, and her fancy, bright pink laced shoes that have funny spikey things on the bottom of them.
1 comment:
Thank you SO much for coming over to my blog to give me some virtual hugs and a pep talk :)
"Seeing" your girls always makes me feel good. Look at Amy go!!!
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