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Family Picture

Saturday, January 25, 2014

What To Do While It's So Cold Outside

We are not used to this frigid winter (for GA standards) and just can not bring ourselves to play outside very much.  So what have we been doing with ourselves?  Homeschooling for Anna in the mornings and working with Amy on school stuff in the afternoons, reading lots of books and  exercising to a  video Anna got for Christmas.  I usually like winter myself but so far the temps in the 20's and below are not my favorite....unless we have snow.....which we haven't.  After Christmas we always put up the Christmas dishes and take out the snowman ones.....hoping for one good snow.  This week we will be getting the Chinese New Year decorations out as we celebrate this Friday, Jan 31st.
 A day in the 50's and no wind would be most welcome around here!  We would like to get outside for some fresh air exercise soon!
Our snowman/winter crafts

Hoping for one good snowy day!

We made snowman snow globe crafts

Scott, Wesley and Will got me a cookie cake for my birthday

 Dozen Roses too!

Our handmade pocketbooks

The girls and I made winter sugar cookies

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