Family Picture

Family Picture

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Gotcha days for Anna and Amy

 This time last year, we were in China adopting Amy.  So hard to believe she has been with us now for a year! Anna's gotcha day is April 7th and Amy's is April 8th.  We had ourselves two days worth of fun times and making much of our special girls and their special days.  The girls got new Barbies and Barbie clothes on Anna's day.  New scooters and an outing to ride them in the park on Amy's day.  Add one of our favorites,  freshly baked cream cheese pound cake to be eaten with a glass of chocolate milk for breakfast and then again later for dessert....... well, its been sweet at our house.

Both girls happy to have matching gifts waiting for them first thing in the morning

Oh how Amy has longed for a scooter that has "light up" wheels! 

Ready to try them out! Perfect overcast morning for scooter riding and wheels that light up!

Amy stayed way in front most of the time

Then straight to lunch at Red Lobster where this little girl put away 4 biscuits and all her popcorn shrimp, sweet tea to drink..."Thank you and more biscuits please."  Yeah, she's a southern girl!

More presents! This time after school.

They like the fancy dresses best

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