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Family Picture

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Rounding out the Month of May

Time for ending our school year and making arrangements for the school year to come.  I have purchased curriculum for Anna and working on plans for Amy.  We plan to take a little break and then get started again. We will also take time off for our vacations, but will sort of do year round school.  We just want to get ahead and have plenty of days to be flexible with on our school schedule throughout the year. We want to take some field trips next year and have some fun Fridays, cooking and art days.  Plus I need to keep these girls busy with something as the heat of the summer will keep us indoors for the middle of the day.  Not to mention, Amy likes to stay busy. Likes to have something to do.  NEEDS to have something to do.
 We blow through between 7 to 10 school pages in the morning, sometimes before Anna even wakes up.  Amy is our earliest riser.  Gets up and makes her bed then comes into the kitchen,  or more often, comes in beside my bed to wake me while I'm still get started with our day of course.        She wakes up ready to roll.........and ready to talk.  
 She starts off just where she left off the night before.
Great Day in the MORNIN!
Heaven help me.
I need my cup of green tea.  Pronto.  
It is all good.  It really is.  People say it will keep me young and sharp.  
Is that sharp as in smart or sharp as in grouchy?!!! HaHa
I think it is a little of both.
Here are some May pictures.

Anna's Science Presentation Poster
 Each student picked a vitamin to research and report to the class then bring in a food item .
We made our fresh milled, whole grain bread and the students liked it a lot!
Great job, Anna 

Will in "his porch office" studying for his final exams at KSU.
Getting ready to take some classes this summer at UGA online and transfer there in August.

Been to a playground and rosy cheeked. Watching a Horseland episode on the way home.
Our peanut is still so little we have to pad the headphones to fit her head. Not the best fix.
She is not crazy about it but it is the only thing that works for her to keep them positioned on her ears.

Shopping trip to celebrate the end of school. My girls love jewelry. Amy especially.
Always have to stop here.  Amy absolutely has to touch some shiny things everywhere we go!
Even if someone happens to be wearing said shiny things. She will inspect ladies'  jewelry, stop them or comment.
Learning to ask before we touch.  Big earrings are her most favorite.

Now something has caught Anna's eye.  One can not be in a hurry when shopping these days!

Anna's idea of matching skirts
We also got matching bracelets
Amy likes to say we are a team or that we are "club members"
When someone tells us we look nice, Amy answers back with, "and You look Fabulous " .

New Haircut
Anna practicing knitting as we took a class at the library.
Looking so grown up.  Can't believe she turns ten on May 30th.
Amy's new haircut for the summer .
It fits her sassy self.

We made our own Asian potstickers,  and even though they were all different sizes, and don't look exactly like ones at restaurants......they tasted delicious and the girls had fun filling them and pinching the dough together.

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