Family Picture

Family Picture

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

We moved Will to Athens

It is official.  Will is at UGA. 
We have been getting ready for this..... Will and I had fun shopping for his apartment and getting supplies.
Moved him down on a Sunday, with lumps in our throats and me trying not to be teary eyed.
 Now he is a Georgia Bulldog.
 Go Dawgs.  Be Safe, Will. 
 Go Dawgs.  Eat healthy, Will.
  Go Dawgs. We know you will study hard and do well like you always have in the past, Will.
 We are happy for you and know this is good.  We couldn't be more pleased about your roommates (great guys) and your apartment.  What a neat time we shared as we all moved you guys in, cleaned up and had a special prayer time all together. 
 Very special.  
How bout them Dawgs!
 We miss you already, Will.
Anna sewed a loose button on Will's favorite shorts the morning Will was leaving

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Time to say goodbye to the girls, they are not happy about this

Will's bedroom.  Sharing a 4 bdrm apartment with 3 other great guys

Another hug from Mom,  but not the last one

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