Family Picture

Family Picture

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Random October Pictures

Anna's solar smore oven.  First put in the gram crackers and marshmallows.  Bake in the sun.The reflection from the foil, toasts the marshmallows.  Last add the chocolate.

Amy wanted me to take a picture of her and her Wendy's kids meal prize.  She loves prizes of any kind.

The left overs from our Saturday morning breakfast... fresh milled whole wheat, vanilla whey protein, apple cinnamon, buttermilk, pancakes.  They freeze really well and Amy loves to eat one of these for breakfast almost every day.

Made a stop at $5 and below store for some new play balls to use outside while the weather is nice. 

Raided my attic to find some of my old dresses from days gone by! Bridesmaids and prom dresses.  Is special that Anna can wear one now!   Anna is going to wear the pink one on the left for Halloween as she is dressing up as a snow princess.  She will use the silver cape I made her last year.  Amy is going to be Belle and will wear one of Anna's old costumes plus the silver cape I made her also.  We all had fun trying on dresses and costumes.  

I also found these two old friends of mine in the attic.   

Last weeks Bible verse

Got us some rocking chairs for the front porch.  After all that raiding the attic, and thinking about the good ole days, and feeling how fast time goes by........these are just what we are gonna need.

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