After the Christmas holiday the subject of Amy missing her Chinese foster family came up over lunch one day.There was something about Amy's happiness that seemed to cause her to think more of her foster family. It almost seemed that Amy felt a little guilty for all the good things in her life, while remembering how little her foster family had.
Amy: I am just a little bit worried that BinBin ( little boy), NaiNai (foster grandmother) and YeYe(foster grandfather) might be missing me just a little bit. BinBin has no one to play with now that I am gone.
Me: Do you miss them?
Amy: Amy not go back to China! I want to stay here.
Me: We are your family forever Amy. It is O.K. to miss them. You do not have to go back to China.
Amy: I miss them. They do not have good food. It is cold in China. Their house is not good like this house.
Me: We will pray for them to be happy and safe, and to have food, and stay warm.
Conversation recently (about a month after the previous conversation) between Anna and Amy:
Anna: Do you miss your NaiNai?
Amy: Yes, but Anna, Momma says it is ok for me to miss her and that I will not have to go back to China. I want to stay here.
Anna: Do you miss BinBin?
Amy: Yes. He doesn't have me to play with anymore.
Anna: Do you miss YeYe?
Amy: Just a little bit
Me: Amy we will pray for your NaiNai, YeYe and BinBin to stay safe, warm, and well fed.
Amy: Will you pray for them to have a little bit bigger house? Their house is very small, it is not very good.
Conversation Yesterday:
Amy was chattering at me while I was cooking dinner. She had been talking nonstop for a very long time so I decided to pretend that her pretend phone was ringing so could she go talk to her pretend friend on the phone while I finished my kitchen work. (This is a game Amy loves to play as she loves to talk to real people and pretend people just so long as she gets to talk!) Well she chattered away for a bit, talking small talk with her pretend friend Rachel.
Then I was struck by what Amy said:
" Oh, I am so sorry you do not have a Momma or Daddy, Rachel. You can come live at my house. I have a good momma and daddy. My momma is really nice. She will take care of you. "
I stopped in my busy tracks and said a prayer of Thanksgiving for the blessing of being a mom. Appreciating the significance of caring for the needs of special children, and of planting seeds of kindness and trust in hearts that have known suffering and loss.
As for man, his days are like grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourishes.
Psalm 103.15
Amy and her dolly intensely watching something on TV. Amy tells me she would like to get inside the TV to whatever she is watching. |
The girls having a bedtime snack of pink milk and grahm cracker goldfish. We also read stories. I love to hear some of their conversations as they have "sister" talk. It helps Amy so much that Anna is from China also. |