She loved the popsicle especially after it melted enough for her to suck the flavor out of it. Eating cold things is not common in China. No refrigeration. They even prefer hot water. Even at our five star hotel restaurant, if you asked for water, you got a cup of hot water. Maybe it is what they are used to after having to boil water regularly. Amy is learning to like cold things. Ice cream is one of her favorites and she asks for it for breakfast. We go through the whole "ice cream is not for breakfast" explanation so she has learned the word "later". Have used google translater. She knows that "later" means some time later in the day she will eventually get her ice cream. So hard to wait! Harder still to explain "later" for the 100th time.
Also had her first Chick-fil-a. Two thumbs up for the waffle fries and ice cream! Not sure about the chicken. Only took a couple of bites. Tried grilled and fried. Have been twice and she ate a couple bites more on the 2nd visit than the first so we are hopeful. She is not much of a meat eater though. Nor fruits and vegetables for that matter. Its mostly carbs for this Northern China girl. Breads, crackers, noodles, rice and french fries. Ranked in that order. Oh, but she does love bananas. Eats three a day. Fitting for her character at this point. And a dried prune....she pops the whole thing in her mouth. Seems to like the ones that come individually wrapped. Yes, I am giving her 3 different kinds of gummy vitamins to fill in the gap. Trying not to take on the whole food issue deal. Not yet. There will be time for that later. I feel for her. I think of how I felt in China, all the food just killed my appetite. So out of the range of what we eat. She may be in the same position on our food as I was on her turf.
As a side note, she played very nicely with other children on Chick-fil-A playground. I was relieved. One never knows under these circumstances. Did mow over one little boy who tried to block her way. Without me even telling her....she quickly came back to help him up. Gave him a hug and planted a big kiss on his cheek, told him " its okay, its okay" in Chinese then went on about her playing. He mumbled sorry with a dumbfounded look on his face and stayed out of her way the rest of the time. Poor guy. Didn't know what hit him. Could almost see his wheels turning as he pondered what in the world she just said to him.
Had her first encounter with a big ole bumble bee. We grow em big around here, must be all the woods around our house. Every spring they are such a nuisance, boring holes around our porches. Sawdust blows in on my screened porch and it drives me crazy! My porch is my happy place. Evidently, there were a couple of bumbles boring on the wooden part of the playground. As Amy would swing in her happy place.....there was one bumble in particular that would hover. As she came up, he would be there to face her.....hovering. My goodness, the shrieks. It appears she has never in her life seen or heard a Bumble Bee. She would ball up in the swing and shriek. HE was intimidating. All that buzzing and hovering! Gave me a chance to be her hero though.
Nature lovers....stop reading at this point although this story does not include pesticides!
Wesley and Will have been know to hit the bumbles with badmitton rackets. Grand idea. Got Anna to bring me a racket as I was afraid to leave the Bee hovering and Amy there swinging, balling up and shrieking. Heck, with all the adjustments being made around here and fatigue to boot, I must admit the thought of WHACKING something was feeling pretty good.
Of course this was after trying to shoo him....nature lovers. After all, they are destroying my property. Stubborn ole bee. Hit him so hard across the yard......we looked.....but never found him. May have whacked him into bumble bee powder. One less aggravation in my life. Amy loved it and talked about it for the rest of the day. Her Mommia (that is what she calls me...Mommia sort of italian/chinese) is so very brave you know. She acted out the story for Scott when he got home. Still talks about it a week later.
Confession: I am afraid I enjoyed the whacking more than I should have. It may be my game for now. Who needs tennis.
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