Let me start by saying, I am a germaphobe.
I try to touch as little as possible in certain places such as public restrooms.
I am a hand washer.
I wash my hands.....a lot.
Amy touches EVERYTHING.......every where.
Then she touches.......ME!
She is constantly pulling on my arms and loves to put her hands on my cheeks to make sure she has my undivided attention. MY FACE, fellow germaphobes! Maybe she thinks I will understand her Chinese better if I see her talking.
I have turned into a walking, antibacterial wipe dispenser.
I realize some things are fine to touch....its the yucky, dirty things she touches that drives me crazy.
Toilets, floors, trash cans, oh how she loves to grab or push open a trashcan to try to see what is in it.....high alert!
Even after she washes her hands in public restrooms, she then feels the need to swirl the sink one good time with her hands....... chasing soap bubbles down the drain. Yikes. Then I feel the need to wash her hands all over again. Sometimes I just squirt her hands with my nifty antibacterial hand gel hanging from my backpack pocketbook so that we can get out of the bathroom. Yes, I have to have both hands free with this girl when we are out and about. Love my backpack pocketbook. I got used to it back when I had my broken foot and it sure comes in handy now!
Back to what she touches.
She loves to hand print or drag her hands down automobiles. Friends in our area.....if you should happen upon a slightly unusual hand print on your car, it was us! We strolled past your car in the parking lot. If you should see me out and about with black on my face and clothes.....well, she touched me after she touched your car. I do still bathe. Believe me. I take the longest hottest showers I have ever taken. Below, she hand printed my van and Will's car. Looks like she may have changed my oil.
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