In late January Amy had to have two teeth pulled, two cavities filled and 4 sealants done.
Anna had to have 4 sealants done on a separate day. Thankfully they did a conscious sedation for Amy and they did everything in one appointment. She never would have been able to stay still for that long! She did great, was a brave trooper and we were so proud of her. Anna did well and they called her the perfect patient.
The girls were rewarded with some prizes.
Amy after her dentist appointment. She picked out butterfly balloons for her and Anna. She always wants a prize for Anna also. She is never content to get a prize just for herself! |
Nerf gun prizes they picked out. Anna made the fashionable side purses for carrying extra nerf bullets. These two nerf bandits tried to take me hostage. After offering a ransom of some oreo cookies, they set me free.
Then there was Amy's hand specialist appointment. |
The doctor asked her to tell him about her hand and this is what she said: My family loves my special hand and they love me very much! Then he asked her to do several different things and she proved herself to be strong and capable.
They sent us home with these sensory beads, and some other exercises for physical therapy. She loves to play in this and it is also good for her sensory processing. |
I hid some sticky toy reptiles in the bin and she dug around for them.
Then last but not least, Amy had to have her eyes checked. She asked the eye doctor tons of questions. Questions such as:
Hey are you going to blow me up? ( As Amy looked at all the side arm extension equipment)
Will any of this stuff explode?!
When you keep raising my seat are you going to make me hit my head on the ceiling?
Amy told the doctor she could see just fine as her and her daddy played a game of "how many fingers am I holding up" and she won.
During the exam, she told the doctor that she knows her letters very well, but when the doctor keeps making them so small and blurry, they get almost invisible and then she is going to miss them!
Amy doesn't need glasses. She likes to pretend and wears a pair sometimes though.
Here she is using some packaging to make herself have fish eyes.
This week we have hair cut appointments. Pictures to follow! |
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