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Monday, May 27, 2013

Will's Birthday

Will officially turned 20 on April 30th.  I am a bit late posting this. Feeling like I'm running at least a month behind since we returned from China.  That's okay. Wesley still has not had his birthday dinner with us. His birthday was April 14th and we were in China.  Made him his favorite chocolate fudge brownie cake during our first couple of weeks home, but did not take a picture so we need to do it all over again! We will get to it! I remember feeling as though just getting his cake made was a great accomplishment. Those first weeks home were tough.
Back to Will,  a home made cookie cake with vanilla buttercream icing, please leave off the chocolate icing.  Just the way he likes it.  20!??? Really......Will?!
How did this happen so fast. What happened to the teen on the end of your age???
We love you and celebrate you.

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