Family Picture

Family Picture

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Time At Home

Adoption experts agree that staying close to home is a good thing for the first couple of months. That is what we are doing. Amy is liking the routine of what we do around here. She is learning how to be part of a family.  She is settling in nicely and it shows in her behavior, in her attachment to us and in her learning.   We have been keeping busy every day.  Picnics in the shade, exploring nature with magnifying glasses, making bead necklaces, watering the flowers and chasing the squirrels out of our flowers, are some of their favorites.  Amy also has jobs to do and she loves being part of the family in this way. Every morning, Anna, Amy and I make our beds.  Amy helps me and Anna unload the dishes.  Anna does the silverware and Amy does the dishes and cups. For meal times Anna sets the table and Amy puts out the napkins.  Amy will actually get upset if someone else tries to do her job.  One can see the deep need in her wanting to be a part of everything. We are thankful she is with us, and so thankful she is happy to be in our family.  Scott or I pray with the girls every night at bedtime.  We are not sure how much Amy is understanding but she seems to be catching on to things quickly.  Recently I finished my prayer by thanking God for the members of our family, and naming each one.  After I said Amen, Amy recognizing that I did not include myself in the list, folded her hands in prayer then said,  " and thank you Jeesa (Jesus).... for  Mommia."
Be. Still. My. Heart.

In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:6

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