Having trouble downloading pics. These came through. Will try again tomorrow. So much to tell but we are exhausted after an all day process. Anna and Amy need me at the moment. Amy sweet, smart, and brave. Can't wait to share all about her. She looks up to Anna, wants to do what Anna does so that is so helpful! Calls us Mama and Baba already and has been generous with hugs for all of us. She recognized us from the photo album and told our guide we "look exactly like the pictures in her book"!
Much more to come when I can. Love to all! Please continue to pray! She was in foster care with an older lady she called grandma. Was taken to orphanage a month ago for this transition. Has had to be so hard for her. Oh our hearts ache for her loss. She has shed a few waves of tears and still longs and call for "her grandma". She is doing so well considering all she has been through.

So AWESOME. Prayers for Amy in this difficult transition.
Yey!! Welcome to the family Amy!! She is beautiful! I am in tears right now but of course because of happiness! We are praying for all of you especially in this difficult transition. We love you all so much and can't wait to meet our newest cousin!!
Much love,
Kristina Williams
YAY!! I'm SO THRILLED to hear how she is doing!!
I'm praying sweet friend!
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